In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the Dawnguard DLC introduced a new type of vampire. Choosing to consume Lord Harkon's blood to become a Vampire Lord offered the Dragonborn incredible power and influence, and in time they could even be given the task of sharing the gift of eternal life with their spouse. Spouses who also acted as travel companions gained new powers and resistances, but they also became more vulnerable to things like fire and sunlight in exchange.

The side quest called "The Gift" is assigned by Vingalmo, though if the Dragonborn is already married to certain NPCs that cannot be turned into vampires, they may not ever receive the quest. The important thing to consider before undertaking this task is that it cannot be undone once it has been completed. There is a cure for the Dragonborn's vampirism if they choose to seek it, but their spouse will remain a creature of the night for all eternity (or until they die).

Speak to Vingalmo

Before being given the quest, the Dragonborn will need to carry out an unspecified number of side quests for the higher-ups at Castle Volkihar. In time, they will be prompted to speak with Vingalmo, who is sleeping in a coffin in one of the castle's lower levels. Upon waking him, if the player is married, he will note that it has come to his attention they have a spouse, and in the event their spouse discovered their love was a vampire, they might run away in fear. This could potentially cause distress and disloyalty to the vampire court but to prevent that, the Dragonborn could bring their spouse into the fold by using Vampire's Seduction to lure them in and turning them into a vampire.

If the player is not married, he will recommend that they get married to add another vampire to the court and increase their power with a new ally. Vingalmo fails to mention that there are spouses in Skyrim that cannot be turned into vampires, so choosing the right spouse is imperative to completing this quest.

Everybody Loves a Wedding

Lydia and Dragonborn Temple of Mara

If unmarried, the first part of Vingalmo's quest is to find a suitable spouse that can be turned into a vampire. This will require obtaining an Amulet of Mara, speaking to potential spouses and carrying out any quests required to earn their favor and their hand. After the proposal is made, meet up at the Temple of Mara in Riften for the marriage ceremony and determine where the couple will live together.

Several marriable NPCs cannot be turned into vampires for one reason or another. For example, the Companions, Vilkas, Farkas and Aela the Huntress cannot contract vampirism because they are already werewolves and have immunity. If Vilkas and Farkas have been cured of Lycanthropy, they may be turned into vampires.

If already married at the onset of this quest, there are twenty-two other spouses, alongside the three mentioned Companions, that will negate the quest from being offered. They include Argis the Bulwark, Athis, Balimund, Benor, Borgach the Steelheart, Cosnach, Deerkethus, Dravynea the Stoneweaver, Ghorza gra-Bagol, Janessa, Octieve San, Omluag, Onmund, Perth, Romlyn Dreth, Scouts Many Marshes, Shavee, Sondas Drenim, Stenvar, Torvar, Viola Giordano and Vorstag. If married and using one's spouse as a travel companion, it is important to dismiss the companion and send them home before speaking with Vingalmo and attempting to carry out the quest; otherwise, it will provoke hostility.

Vampire's Seduction

The Vampire's Seduction spell works similarly to the Calm spell by mesmerizing the victim temporarily (30 seconds) so the vampire can feed on them. Return to the spouse and use the spell to calm and mesmerize them. It is best not to do this while they are sleeping, otherwise, they may turn hostile and attack. Use Vampire's Seduction and, once it takes effect, feed on them. Not only does this bolster their own power, but after pulling back, the spouse will say that something strange happened and they don't feel quite right. They need to lie down for a while because they are in the early stages of vampirism.

A Vampire Lord may also inadvertently turn their spouse into a vampire over time by feeding on them, which could negate the quest so that Vingalmo never offers it, so be careful when feeding. Perhaps visit other sleeping victims and save feeding on the Dragonborn's spouse specifically for the completion of this quest.

Return to Vingalmo to complete the quest, who will note that hopefully the spouse will be more amenable now that they are part of the family. If the spouse is a travel companion, they will receive additional perks to Resist Frost and use the Vampiric Drain power in battle. Despite their immortality, vampires also have their weaknesses, including vulnerability to Fire damage and immunity to Restoration magic.

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